Friday 14 March 2014

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Biography

William Wordsworth was an eminent English poet. He was born on April 23rd 1770 in Cockermouth, an old market town in the district of Allerdale in the county of Cumbria in the north west of England. Together with the famous poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 - 1834), he would launch the Romantic period and school of thought of English literature with their Lyrical Ballads first published in 1798. Wordsworth’s masterpiece, however, would be his largely autobiographical poem entitled The Prelude (1850), which focused on the formative experiences of his youth.
William Wordsworth would be the second of five children. Growing up in the Lake District would influence him greatly because of the unique sense and appreciation for nature he would get there. Sadly Wordsworth would lose his mother in 1778, when he was just eight years of age, and his father only five years later in 1783. As if that was not enough traumatic experiences for the young Wordsworth, he would also find himself momentarily separated from his sister, Dorothy, to whom he had understandably become very attached to.
Wordsworth would manage to publish his first sonnet in 1787 in the London-based European Magazine when he was only seventeen years old. Around that time he would also complete his studies at Cambridge and after that in 1791 he would leave for France because the revolutionary ideology of this country at the time had come to fascinate him. It is at that moment in his life that Wordsworth would fall in love with Annette Vallon, a French woman that would bear his first child whom they would name Caroline. However, largely because of tensions between France and England he would end up moving back to his country of origin the following year. Be that as it may, it is important to note Wordsworth would continue to support them both as much as he could for years to come even though Charles and Annette never actually married. Wordsworth would eventually marry Mary Hutchinson, a friend from childhood, and would have five additional children from that union.
His first two collections of poetry would be published in 1793, five years after his first published poem. They would respectively be entitled An Evening Walk, and, Descriptive Sketches. Both would be strongly influenced by the writing style of the eighteenth century. Not long after this in 1795 Wordsworth would make a fateful meeting, that of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In spite of, or perhaps even because of their at times stormy relationship, they would manage to collaborate and produce the founding document of the English Romantic movement, published in 1798: the Lyrical Ballads. In 1807, the third edition of what was to become a classic work was supplemented with a long-awaited introduction written by Wordsworth. This opening statement would in fact in turn come to be considered the foundation document of Romantic literary theory. There Wordsworth expounds his vision of a new poetry based on the real everyday language used by human beings, and convincingly defines poetry as a sort of spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.
The following quote can give us a further indication as to how Wordsworth conceived of poetry:
“Poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge […] It is as immortal as the heart of man […]”
Having defined what poetry is according to Wordsworth, an interesting question that might almost automatically come to mind is: Who for Wordsworth is the poet? It would appear it is a man who speaks to humans, who conveys to them a special kind of message. In this way, for Wordsworth the poet becomes an exceptional being, gifted with extraordinary sensitivity, with a power of enthusiasm as well as a love and knowledge of human nature. In Wordsworth’s own words in the preface to Lyrical Ballads, the poet is compellingly defined as follows:

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

Romantic Heart Images Romantic Images with Quotes Of Love For Facebook Timeline of Couples on Bed of Couples with Quote hd Of Hearts for Facebook of Couples of Kissing

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